how my quarantine with Vincent went:
- Playing a rip off version of ‘The Horse with No Name’
- Playing ‘You Are My Sunshine’- tutorial from Good Guitarist
- Learning to play a small customized piece of music in August Rush style
- Playing ‘Lean on Me’ by Ben. E King- tutorial from Andy Guitar
- Playing ‘U Smile’ by Justin Bieber- tutorial from EricBlackmonGuitar
- Playing ‘Mistletoe’ by Justin Bieber- tutorial from GuitarZero2Hero
- Playing ‘Perfect’ by Ed Sheeren- tutorial from 5 Minute Guitar
I never learnt any chords from the Harmony institute because
classes stopped when quarantine started. I am very satisfied with my progress
in learning songs. The reason I didn’t use the same channel to learn all the
songs is because I don’t have a capo so I need to find the tutorials that do
not use it. 😊
week I’m focusing on my schoolwork more prominently bcz my monthly tests are
coming up, but I do work on songs with Vincent sometimes. In case you great
person reading this wants to learn the above songs on guitar, I have included
the name of the channels I used to learn the songs. Hope you enjoy your
terrible quarantine…funfact: you never can.

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